Thursday, 25 August 2011

Threads 'n' shreds get together...

So fnally threads 'n' shreds manage to have another crafting get together! Its been awhile since our Owls were created, and we've found the time in our busy schedules, to now come up with some more creations, and add to the animal empire! We were hoping by the end of the evening to have come up with two templates, but we managed three!! And so the Cat, Rabbit and Sheep have started to take shape...

The first proto-types are always the hardest, and takes some experimenting with putting the pieces together, trying different techniques and getting the sizing of the features correct...

 When drawing the 2D image, the features look right, but transform them into 3D and you find that you need to really accentuate the features, to make them stand out!

Susan hit across a couple of issues, when attatching the various componants. Either the shapes were buckling, or the two different fabrics wouldnt mesh very well, but its all a learning curve!

So with any luck, we will get together again next week, and these animals will spring into their 3D shapes.......

Monday, 22 August 2011

my next scarf...

Once i am in the middle of a project, i have to use self-control to focus and complete it, as my mind and excitement start to wander towards the next project!
Whilst on a weeks holiday, staying with my Mum, we visited a gift store selling unique gifts, cakes put together with towels and beauty products, which unexpectedly was selling a small variety of gorgeous fancy yarn at a bargain price - which of course i just had to purchase some of! My dilemma was which colour to purchase! In hindsight maybe i should have just bought the lot, as it as such great value - maybe i showed just too much restraint!!

So my next project, inevitably had to be in the bright pink, textured yarn that i had purchased. I was dying to see how this would knit up. I decided to combine it with a pale pink ball of mohair i already owned. This would make the textured yarn go further, plus would hide the itchiness that mohair tends to have.

As yet i do not know how this scarf will pan out - I have no plan for the centre as yet!  I just was too eager to get started!!