Sunday, 28 February 2016

sea walks and puffs...

We've been in our new home, and we're starting to get settled and get into a routine. Thankfully as we have a spare room, it means we don't have to sit and look at all the boxes yet to be unpacked and sorted! We got our new washing machine delivered and installed, so no more trips to the launderette!
The weather hasn't been amazing, but on Thursday we were able to venture out along the seafront. We will never tire of watching and listening to the waves

And we enjoyed watching 2 little birdies at the waters edge, trying to avoid the crashing waves

We also got our first glimpse of birds flying in formation

We had gone out without breakfast, so when we came across a garage, we decided a pit-stop was required!

On the return walk we stopped to look for Geocaches, and although it was next to a busy main road, it's amazing how discreet you can be!

I've tried to get back into crochet, and decided to just do a simple project to get the creativity flowing again. It turned out not to be quite so simple, as I intended to do puff stitch petals, except I got confused with the cluster stitch. I made a start and realised the petals were looking quite flat, so had to look up the correct technique.

All is not lost though, as I think a combination of both squares will look pretty good. I've had these bright, sparkly yarns in my stash for a couple of years, but now that I have a lovely, large cupboard for all my yarns to be stored, rather than boxed up in the garage, I have access to them all.

Now I've got my stitches organised, I should be able to get the squares made up quite quickly

Until next time...

Sunday, 7 February 2016

A new start by the sea...

Well hello,
It's been a whole month since my last post, and despite no crafting having taken place, there have been a lot of big changes!
We've moved. House, job and county!
With both our jobs we were able to transfer. We've moved into a spacious flat, which we can just about see the sea from the front windows.
We have been surrounded by boxes for awhile and probably will for a long time yet.

The move went pretty smoothly, thanks to family and friends.
We left town behind, there was nothing keeping us there as we only moved with my job, but leaving behind people who we'd grown close to was the hardest part, but our dream of being by the sea has become a reality.

I went straight into work, so its been a bit of a whirlwind!
With so much to do, we are making sure we are taking the time out to appreciate where we are.
In the space of just two weeks we have seen an extreme of weathers. Strong gale winds, blue skies and beautiful sunsets, all have been exciting and exhilarating in their own way...

We are looking forward to more adventures by the sea, to get out on our bikes when the weather improves and to start geocaching.
I've got the massive task ahead of unpacking and sorting my crafting items which i've amassed over many years, wish me luck with that!!!